DFWAE, the Association for Association Professionals 

WHO WE ARE: DFWAE is a professional society of executives and fundraisers who are focused on individual giving, corporate development, and revenue growth. Our members are staff leaders for associations and/or c3 nonprofit foundations that are affiliated with professional societies or trade groups.

WHAT WE DO: DFWAE provides the North Texas Association community with leading educational and networking events designed specifically for the needs of association professionals.

DFWAE's membership is made up of professionals who serve a variety of industries, societies, and social organizations. Collectively, we represent countless professionals throughout the state, country, and nation.

Our members contribute their skills and knowledge to advance DFWAE and exchange experiences that will benefit the Texas association industry. DFWAE exists to support and strengthen the success of association professionals and the associations they serve.

Association professionals seek to grow in their career paths, and DFWAE ensures that by hosting a wide variety of in-person events, webinars, conventions, online learning resources, and many more.

We invite you to discover what DFWAE can do for you and your career!


Please join us at the Sheraton Downtown Fort Worth
for full day of speakers, 
networking, lunch, and 
mentoring with association professionals from the 
Dallas-Fort Worth region. Together, we face the 
same challenges in our roles and can learn from
each other. The exhibit hall will provide 
opportunities to meet suppliers 
and discover how they can assist us in our field. 
Registration Fees: Early Bird rates $159 for members and $279 for non-members

(early bird prices are valid through Feb. 14, 2025.)
Regular registration rates ($169 for members) and $289 for non-members.
(Rates effective 02/15/2025.)
**New this year for *non-members, your registration includes a year of DFWAE membership

If you're interested, sponsorship and exhibitor 
 are available. 

We look forward to seeing you at DFWAE's
premier event for association professionals
in North Texas! #DFWAE #AssociationDay2025





We are currently seeking dynamic speakers to lead
sessions that engage attendees in meaningful 
discussions and offer innovative solutions to industry
This is an excellent opportunity to showcase
your expertise and contribute to the professional
growth of your peers. 

If you're interested in presenting, please click
here for more information on how to apply.

You don't want to miss DFWAE's 2025 A-Day keynote speaker Meg Poag, CEO and Founder of Mission Squared. Meg will deliver an inspiring talk on "Leveraging Neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence to Hack Adversity," offering practical strategies to improve leadership and team dynamics. Early bird discounts are available through February 14!