Dallas Fort Worth Association Executives is the oldest and largest professional society in north Texas representing association professionals, staff members of convention and visitors bureaus and companies that provide products and services to associations.

For more than 20 years, DFWAE has been the premier educational and networking resource for this vital audience. Our efforts focus on the issues that directly affect you. We provide the following valuable services designed to make you a success:

  • Communications and Leadership Training: The tools you need to enhance your experience and marketability
  • Association Day: The largest educational event and trade show for association professionals in north Texas
  • Monthly Educational Events: Speakers at our scheduled luncheons discuss the topics you need to succeed.
  • Online Membership Directory: An invaluable resource when you need a new job, a new employee, or a new company to supply products.
  • DFWAE News: An online newsletter that brings you the latest in association trends and activities throughout north Texas.
  • Peer-to-peer networking: Make the contacts you need to advance your career.

DFWAE's membership represents a wide range of national and Texas-based associations. Our membership also includes representatives from numerous CVBs and companies that provide products and services to associations.

Keep your career on track by becoming a member of DFWAE. Not only will you enhance your professional growth and expertise, you will help your organization become more effective and productive.

Top 5 benefits of DFWAE membership:

  1. Relationship – DFWAE’s purpose requires a relationship with our members.  This relationship allows us to know you and your needs better.  Your involvement will deepen your relationship with DFWAE and your peers.  You determine the depth of your relationship.
  2. Volume –DFWAE’s CAE program takes you deep into these nine domains of association management identified by ASAE.  DFWAE provides more association management education in the North Texas metroplex than any other organization.
  3. Value – We partner with the top leaders in Association Management, professional consultants and life coaches to bring value to your education. 
  4. Time – By bringing more partners together in one place at our annual exhibit show, you have the opportunity to talk with many vendors in one place, saving you time and money.  This is not only a place to talk to the vendors, but also a place to talk to your peers about their experience with the vendor. Get face-to-face references.
  5.  Experience – You work as a meeting planner, financial administrator, membership director, etc., but want to gain knowledge in other areas of association management – sign up to be on a committee and gain knowledge by doing. 

As it is with any program, you get out of it what you put into it.  Start with these 5 benefits to set your goals for meeting your needs in Association Management.


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