Dallas Fort Worth Association Executives
2024-2025 Board of Directors PDF Print Email
Friday, August 18, 2023 06:50 PM

Leadership - Board of Directors 2024-2025

DFWAE works in the same way as members of your own association - we accomplish more together than we can separately. Your success benefits all of us.

We are an organization created by association managers to focus on the issues that directly affect them. Those issues are your issues, too, and that makes DFWAE your organization. DFWAE leaders are members that volunteer their time, skills and service for the direction of DFWAE benefits and offerings. Are Now Open

The leaders in DFWAE are members that volunteer their time to offer a vision and guidance for the direction of DFWAE benefits and offerings. Serving on the DFWAE Board can help build your resume, leadership experience, and professional network, while allowing you to donate your time to a worthy cause. Don't be shy! You've got this!


Positions for Regular, CVB/Hospitality, and Association Members are open for the 2024-2025 leadership year.

Or, do you have someone else in mind you feel would make an excellent candidate? Nominations are open to all, so we welcome you to invite your friends and colleagues to apply. Simply forward this email to them along with some words of encouragement. Sometimes we all just need a little nudge!
The deadline to apply is April 12, so don't delay!

If you're not ready to apply for the board, but would still like to actively participate, please consider being a DFWAE volunteer!
Click here to volunteer today!


Board Nominations & Committee Service Open PDF Print Email
Thursday, March 30, 2023 12:11 PM

Nominate Yourself for Board Service

The leaders in DFWAE are members that volunteer their time to offer a vision and guidance for the direction of DFWAE benefits and offerings. Serving on the DFWAE Board can help build your resume, leadership experience, and professional network while allowing you to donate your time to a worthy cause. 


Or do you have someone else in mind you feel would make an excellent candidate? Nominations are open to all, so we welcome you to invite your colleagues, friends, and peers to apply. Simply forward this email to them along with some words of encouragement. 

Nominations are due April 7

2024-2025 Call for Committee Volunteers

Not ready to make the leap to serve on the Board of Directors? That’s OK! There are plenty of opportunities to get more involved with the DFWAE. Volunteer your service by joining a committee that best suits your skill set. Learn more about DFWAE Committees here.

To apply for a DFWAE Committee, COMPLETE VOLUNTEER INTEREST FORM by April 7.

Association Day 2025 PDF Print Email
Thursday, December 07, 2017 11:01 AM

Mark your calendars and save the date!

DFWAE's Association Day 2025 is set for April 14th at the Sheraton Downtown Fort Worth. This is an event you won’t want to miss! Keynote speaker Meg Poag, CEO and Founder of Mission Squared, is a visionary and proven leader known for driving fast-paced growth in multiple companies. Meg is passionate about empowering other leaders to drive change, achieve better results, and tackle the most insidious dysfunctions facing teams.

New this year for *non-members, your registration includes a year of DFWAE membership. Be sure to join us for this incredible day of learning and networking.

Registration Fees: Early Bird rates $159 for members and $279 for non-members (early bird prices are valid through Feb. 14, 2025.)
Regular registration rates ($169 for members) and $289 for non-members. (Rates effective 02/15/2025.)
**New this year for *non-members, your registration includes a year of DFWAE membership

Sponsor opportunities can be found here!

We look forward to seeing you at DFWAE's premier event for association professionals in North Texas!



Call for Speaker Proposals:

DFWAE Association Day 2025: Mark your calendars and save the date! The Dallas-Fort Worth Association Executives (DFWAE) is excited to announce that Association Day 2025 will take place on April 14, 2025, at the Sheraton Downtown Fort Worth.

We are seeking dynamic and engaging speakers to share their expertise and insights with our community of association professionals. If you have innovative ideas, best practices, or inspiring stories that can help our members thrive in their roles, we want to hear from you!

Submission Guidelines: Click here

Topic Relevance: Proposals should address current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the association industry.
Audience Engagement: Sessions should be interactive and provide actionable takeaways.

Speaker Experience: Preference will be given to speakers with a proven track record of delivering high-quality presentations.
How to Submit: Complete the DFWAE online speaker proposal form: Click here

Proposal Title: A concise and compelling title for your session.

Session Description: A brief overview of your presentation (150-200 words).

Speaker Bio/photo: A short biography highlighting your experience and expertise (100-150 words) Be sure to include a photo for promotional purposes if selected.

Contact Information: Your name, email address, and phone number.

Please submit your proposals by January 31, 2025, if you have questions, email: [email protected]. Selected speakers will be notified by February 28, 2025.

Join us for a day of learning, networking, and professional growth. We look forward to your contributions to make Association Day 2025 a success!

Why Attend?

Connect with association leaders dedicated to advancing their professional development and touching thousands of collective association members by utilizing your products and showcasing your destinations!

DFWAE attendees come seeking professional development, as well as, new opportunities to extend and strengthen the reach and power of association connections.

DFWAE provides a unique opportunity for conference sponsors and partners to enhance their brand recognition, engage with attendees about their services and provide collateral for continued post-conference engagement.

Let’s grow professionally and connect with DFWAE colleagues!


DEI Resource Hub PDF Print Email
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 10:39 AM

Over the past two years, the DFWAE IDEA Committee has created a DEI Resource Portal to foster an inclusive and supportive environment by providing association professionals with valuable resources, tools, and information.  We strive to empower association professionals and organizations to cultivate diversity, ensure equity, and celebrate inclusion through accessible and impactful guidance. This work is ongoing, so check back for updates and additional resources. We welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions at [email protected].


Background reading/videos:


This is a summary of ASAE’s research of various associations’ attempts at creating more diversity within their organizations; what worked; what didn’t work; and factors that play into an organization’s ability to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive.

Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion across the organizational structure is a strategic priority of DFWAE. All volunteer leaders are encouraged to utilize this Quick Tips checklist to guide their efforts.

    1. https://www.asaecenter.org/resources/articles/an_magazine/2020/winter/is-bias-affecting-how-you-lead

This article addresses unconscious biases and how it affects you as a leader. 

    1. https://www.asaecenter.org/publications/107422-association-inclusion-index 

This is an Organizational Assessment tool to help you determine your organization’s diversity and inclusion practices and objectives against validated effective practices.

    1. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

This is a “Implicit Association Test” Test to help us become aware and better address our own personal biases.

    1. https://www.hrc.org/resources/glossary-of-terms

Glossary of terms commonly used to identify individuals

    1. https://www.ceoaction.com/resources/videos/

Collection of videos addressing various “Blind Spots” we may have in regards to others.

    1. https://35xs6u1zhs1u1p3cy926rkn4-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Recruiting-Minority-Volunteers-NCASAA.pdf

This article is provided by NCASAA, and offers tips on how to recruit minority volunteers.

    1. https://www.linkedin.com/learning/unconscious-bias/

Short video series delving into what “Unconscious Bias” is, how to identify it, and what steps to take to be more open minded in our decision making.

    1. http://textstotable.com/

A frank discussion between four of our Association CEO colleagues who have had to lead through the recent racial upheaval, sharing their experiences on what it feels like as a black leader; how the response of others has felt; what leaders, white or black, should do as leaders. 

    1. https://www.google.com/books/edition/White_Fragility/ZfQ3DwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

Book written to address why it’s hard for white people to have the conversation of racism, and why it’s necessary for those truly invested in societal change.

    1. https://www.amazon.com/Memo-Women-Color-Secure-Table-ebook/dp/B07L2WRVSW

An eBook to assist women of color in getting “a seat at the table” in the workforce.

    1. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-uncomfortable-truth/id1498323248

A series of podcasts addressing the questions we should all be asking about race and racism in America, but never want to talk about

    1. https://betterallies.com/

Everyday actions to create inclusive, engaging workplaces.

    1. https://www.amazon.com/Im-Not-Yelling-Navigating-Workplace/dp/1684810736

A book that sheds light on common challenges Black women face in the workplace.


LinkedIn Thought Leaders:

Elizabeth Leiba
Shereen Daniels
Karen Catlin
Raven Solomon
Chris Amstrong, CDE, CMF, ACC
Dr.Stephanie M. Kirkland
Tara Jaye (Centeio) Frank
Minda Harts
Crystle Johnson, MBA-HRM
Maisha Gray-Diggs, PhD 

 FY23-24 IDEA Committee Members:

Asha Desai (Chairperson)
Maurice Norris, MPA  (Board Liaison)
Shasta Foy, CAE (President-Elect)
Mark Jones, CAE
Andrew Crim, M.Ed., CHCP
Janet Kane, CAE
Meda Merritt



Meet Kristine Metter PDF Print Email
Friday, March 04, 2022 03:41 PM

Meet Kristine Metter, DFWAE’s Association Day Keynote Speaker

We’re looking forward to seeing you at A-Day on April 25! We thought it would be fun to check in with Kristine Metter, our keynote speaker, on what she will be addressing during her presentation. She gives us a preview below. If you’re interested in being a part of Metter’s keynote, there is a call for information below. Be sure to check out everything, and more importantly, plan to join us to hear her in person by coming to A-Day!

DFWAE: Kristine, we're looking forward to your keynote presentation at Association Day on April 25! We know you have 30 years of experience working with associations and nonprofits. How has your experience helped you adapt to all of the changes you've seen for associations since the pandemic?

Kristine Metter: Over the years, I worked for a variety of professional societies and trade associations, providing leadership for membership development, event strategy, governance, and non-dues revenue. That broad background has enabled me to see how effective associations operate on a daily basis. 

While that background provided a strong foundation, what really prepared me for the disruption of the last two years was my practice of foresight and futures-thinking, which includes constantly scanning the environment and listening for weak signals that you then synthesize and interpret for your situation. By looking at multiple possible scenarios and preparing contingency plans, you are better equipped to adapt to unexpected events. 

When you combine foresight with a mission focus and an agile mindset, you are in a terrific position to think broadly about who you serve and how you can meet your constituents’ evolving needs. That powerful combination provides you with the tools to go beyond surviving to thriving. 

DFWAE: It may be easy for association professionals to get discouraged because this is certainly a tough climate to deliver value with some of the challenges you'll be speaking about in your keynote (Great Resignation, generational expectations, etc.) What do you hope to accomplish through your keynote that will set up association professionals – representing all departments – for success?

Kristine Metter: You are right that this can be a discouraging time. We are all tired and struggling to maintain our resilience. It is clear that member and constituent needs are different today than they were two years ago. Members increasingly are demanding a higher return on their investment (both dollars and time).

When we gather together on April 25, I plan to provide insights into why adopting a foresight mindset helps associations make better future-oriented decisions today and encourage everyone to embed the practice throughout their association. 

We’ll explore the fundamentals of foresight and provide a framework for why foresight is a leadership competency. We’ll then apply these principles by looking at change scenarios and the related consequences – both expected and unexpected – that could impact how you run your association as well as implications for your members’ professions and industries. 

I want to acknowledge to everyone that change is hard. I get that. We have an innate resistance to change and innovation, but we can drive through that barrier with small steps and patience and persistence. In time, the practice of foresight and futures-thinking will become more comfortable and natural. This opening keynote will provide you with fresh ideas and perspectives that you can carry through the rest of the day and into the coming weeks and months.

DFWAE: For those who are on the fence about attending Association Day and hearing your address, what would you like to share with them about why they need to be at the Irving Convention Center on April 25?

Kristine Metter: Now is an important time for association professionals to share what they’ve learned over the past two years. New norms and best practices are emerging every day. We’re all experimenting, testing, and adapting. By leaning on each other, we can all rise together to serve our members and constituents better.

I look forward to meeting association professionals from across the Dallas metropolitan area and hearing how you are innovating and thriving. And while we’re talking about experiences, I’m seeking real life situations of how you used foresight, scenario planning, or contingency plans to help you through disruption. If you have an experience to share, please contact me at [email protected].

DFWAE: Anything else you'd like to share or add that attendees should keep in mind prior to hearing your address? Any prep or thought work they need to do?

Kristine Metter: One common misperception about foresight and futures thinking is that it is about predictions. Rather, it is about forecasts and includes some uncertainty. Foresight looks at multiple possible futures, connects the dots, and enables you to take steps today to drive your organization toward a preferred future. 

The University of Houston offers a foresight certificate program. They define foresight as “the multi-disciplinary study of change and its implications in the context of the future. It synthesizes insights from a wide variety of fields including economics, engineering, sociology, politics, systems theory, creativity, community building, and so on. Foresight is not about predicting ‘THE’ future, but rather about uncovering a range of plausible alternative futures, and then identifying the indicators that suggest the various ways the future is unfolding.

Some of the most common uses of foresight in organizations are to help them come up with more creative and innovative offerings, to better understand and anticipate the future needs of their customers or clients, or to craft strategy. Foresight is also used in government agencies to develop policies and plans informed by a future perspective. Associations often study the future to help their member organizations anticipate and prepare for the future. We all have an interest in the future, so foresight is helpful across wide range of activities and institutions.”

For anyone who wants to see how foresight is being implemented in the association community, the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) has an evidence-based research initiative and related set of tools. Their ForesightWorks program includes a User’s Guide and a set of 50 drivers of change that include forecasts, data points, and strategic insights to guide association executives through a wide range of topics.

Register for Association Day
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