Over the past two years, the DFWAE IDEA Committee has created a DEI Resource Portal to foster an inclusive and supportive environment by providing association professionals with valuable resources, tools, and information.  We strive to empower association professionals and organizations to cultivate diversity, ensure equity, and celebrate inclusion through accessible and impactful guidance. This work is ongoing, so check back for updates and additional resources. We welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions at [email protected].


Background reading/videos:


This is a summary of ASAE’s research of various associations’ attempts at creating more diversity within their organizations; what worked; what didn’t work; and factors that play into an organization’s ability to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive.

Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion across the organizational structure is a strategic priority of DFWAE. All volunteer leaders are encouraged to utilize this Quick Tips checklist to guide their efforts.

    1. https://www.asaecenter.org/resources/articles/an_magazine/2020/winter/is-bias-affecting-how-you-lead

This article addresses unconscious biases and how it affects you as a leader. 

    1. https://www.asaecenter.org/publications/107422-association-inclusion-index 

This is an Organizational Assessment tool to help you determine your organization’s diversity and inclusion practices and objectives against validated effective practices.

    1. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

This is a “Implicit Association Test” Test to help us become aware and better address our own personal biases.

    1. https://www.hrc.org/resources/glossary-of-terms

Glossary of terms commonly used to identify individuals

    1. https://www.ceoaction.com/resources/videos/

Collection of videos addressing various “Blind Spots” we may have in regards to others.

    1. https://35xs6u1zhs1u1p3cy926rkn4-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Recruiting-Minority-Volunteers-NCASAA.pdf

This article is provided by NCASAA, and offers tips on how to recruit minority volunteers.

    1. https://www.linkedin.com/learning/unconscious-bias/

Short video series delving into what “Unconscious Bias” is, how to identify it, and what steps to take to be more open minded in our decision making.

    1. http://textstotable.com/

A frank discussion between four of our Association CEO colleagues who have had to lead through the recent racial upheaval, sharing their experiences on what it feels like as a black leader; how the response of others has felt; what leaders, white or black, should do as leaders. 

    1. https://www.google.com/books/edition/White_Fragility/ZfQ3DwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

Book written to address why it’s hard for white people to have the conversation of racism, and why it’s necessary for those truly invested in societal change.

    1. https://www.amazon.com/Memo-Women-Color-Secure-Table-ebook/dp/B07L2WRVSW

An eBook to assist women of color in getting “a seat at the table” in the workforce.

    1. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-uncomfortable-truth/id1498323248

A series of podcasts addressing the questions we should all be asking about race and racism in America, but never want to talk about

    1. https://betterallies.com/

Everyday actions to create inclusive, engaging workplaces.

    1. https://www.amazon.com/Im-Not-Yelling-Navigating-Workplace/dp/1684810736

A book that sheds light on common challenges Black women face in the workplace.


LinkedIn Thought Leaders:

Elizabeth Leiba
Shereen Daniels
Karen Catlin
Raven Solomon
Chris Amstrong, CDE, CMF, ACC
Dr.Stephanie M. Kirkland
Tara Jaye (Centeio) Frank
Minda Harts
Crystle Johnson, MBA-HRM
Maisha Gray-Diggs, PhD 

 FY23-24 IDEA Committee Members:

Asha Desai (Chairperson)
Maurice Norris, MPA  (Board Liaison)
Shasta Foy, CAE (President-Elect)
Mark Jones, CAE
Andrew Crim, M.Ed., CHCP
Janet Kane, CAE
Meda Merritt